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Providing great benefits to the skin, body and hair, avocado oil has many different features and benefits in addition to its known benefits. So, what are the benefits of avocado oil for hair, how should it be used?

  • Eliminates Dry Hair Problems
  • Increases Blood Flow in the Scalp
  • Provides Necessary Vitamin Support for Hair
  • Prevents Hair Loss
  • Keeps Hair Moisturized

How to Apply Avocado Oil to Hair?
You can apply avocado oil to the hair or by mixing it with different herbal hair care oils. Read on for our hair care mask recipe.

Hot Oil Massage with Avocado Oil

The benefits of avocado oil to hair are quite high. In addition to what we have mentioned above, you can make a hot massage with avocado oil to prevent scaling, dandruff and skin rash on the scalp. If you apply avocado oil, which you will heat for a few seconds in the microwave oven, by massaging the scalp from the scalp to the hair ends, you can solve such problems.

Avocado Oil Mask

Avocado oil mask, which has an important place in hair care, is used in the solution of many hair problems. With the mask that you can prepare at home in a simple way, you will soon start to see that your hair is more vibrant and healthier.

To prepare an avocado oil mask, you can add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey and mix the ingredients in a suitable bowl until they get consistency, and then massage them into your hair. After waiting for half an hour, you can wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

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