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Coconut oil is a popular oil of choice around the world.

If we ask what makes coconut oil special? People who live in the world’s strands, especially where coconut oil is abundant, use this fragrant oil for their hair.

Since then, the Indian subcontinent is part of Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, the Philippines and the Caribbean.

Its content makes the hair strong and well-nourished and protects it from the effects of premature aging such as baldness and excessive hair loss,

The use of coconut oil in hair helps to reduce protein losses in both damaged and healthy hair. This oil is lauric acid, achieving high similarity with hair protein, thanks to low and low molecular weight, according to the hair shaft nest.

Coconut oil can be used for hair care before or after washing your hair.

Coconut oil creates a cooling effect on the head and scalp. It cools and relaxes the head in people who experience severe scalp sweating. Retains moisture, coconut oil has a high moisture retention feature and does not evaporate easily. It does not allow moisture to go away and thus keeps the hair moist and soft, preventing damage to the hair.

To see the benefits of coconut oil in the best way, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of oil label. Pure, refined coconut oil is not chemically treated. Chemical treatments destroy their valuable components in the oil. It can be purchased to obtain refined coconut oil.


Depending on the length of your hair, you can melt some coconut oil on low heat, apply it to your hair after it gets warmed, wait for about 2 hours, and then wash it with a natural shampoo. After applying coconut oil to your hair, you should use a bonnet to avoid contamination.

After shampooing, you can rinse your hair by applying coconut to the ends of your hair. These hair procedures are easy to comb. Especially if you have problems with electricity in your hair, you can apply chickpea-sized coconut oil to your dry hair.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of oils that we can use for our hair, which is a gift of nature.

Bitter almond oil is the most effective solution for dandruff, weakening of hair strands and damaged hair. It is also good for itching in the scalp. It softens the hair roots and gives a feeling of comfort.

Avocado oil has a healing effect against skin and scalp problems such as dandruff and eczema. It nourishes the scalp and accelerates the recovery of the scalp with vitamin E. In addition, it is effective in removing the split ends of the hair while nourishing the hair.

One can use coconut, almond or avocado oil in the donor area from 2 weeks onwards. If there is itching/ dryness in the healing area, the oil application may also give some relief in it. On the recipient area one can start applying oil after 10-12 weeks.

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